Environmental Policy

ALTERRA's activities fall within the principle of sustainable development. In ALTERRA we understand that growth must be based on the efficient and responsible use of natural and energy resources in order to ensure the protection of the environment and to guarantee the feasibility of our business in the long term. ALTERRA is aware of its environmental responsibilities and will work to protect the environment and the climate in connection with the company’s operations and continued growth through systematic efforts and the careful employment of resources.
ALTERRA has adopted an environmental protection process that seeks to minimize the negative impact of its production activities on its surroundings, thus reducing environmental contamination and diminishing the risks from handling residues.
ALTERRA understands that these objectives can only be reached with the permanent participation of all its members and, therefore, incorporates in its production chain, a process of continuous, participative and multidisciplinary improvement.
ALTERRA has assumed a fundamental commitment to develop its entire production activity complying at the very least with the requirements of the current environmental legislation.
As part of its environmental policy, ALTERRA is committed to:

  • Control all its atmospheric emissions and liquid and solid residues in accordance with environmental legislation.
  • Utilize energy resources, water, electricity and fuels in the most efficient manner possible in order to optimize their use and reduce to the minimum any wastage or inefficiency.
  • Promote the re-utilization, recycling and recovery of industrial residues.
  • Have emergency plans for the processes that imply risks with significant consequences.
  • Maintain integrated management procedures and environmental planning.
  • Have detailed inventories of the environmental impacts that arise in all its industrial operations , while working to minimize the impacts attributable to the company's activities.
  • Make efforts to reduce the use of unnecessary packaging and ancillary materials in dialogue with the company’s customers, so that the least environmentally harmful products are used with due consideration being given, of course, to the company's competitiveness
  • Implement environmental considerations from the start of all new technological projects executed.
  • Develop training programmes for its workers in matters related to the environment, in order to motivate, train and actively involve all relevant employees in the day-to-day environmental efforts.
  • Encourage the compliance with this environmental policy among all its workers, contractors and suppliers.
  • Make known and allow free access to this environmental policy to all groups of interest related to the company and to society in general.
  • Actively participate, through membership of various organizations, in developing ways of reducing the inevitable environmental impacts of its production activities
  • Work, via professional and industrial bodies, to ensure that future environmental legislation is harmonized within the EU and planned in a balanced way.